Why Real Connections Help Build Growth


What Is Engagement?

There are some interesting definitions of engagement. The earliest goes back to the 1600s and defined the tradition of marriage. Eventually engagement grew to include battle and military action. Today we are expanding the meaning to include:

  • an arrangement to meet or be present at a specified time and place (merriam-webster.com)

  • emotional involvement or commitment (merriam-webster.com)

  • the state of being meshed into a working arrangement in which one part drives another (the student dictionaty at wordcentral.com)

  • "Engagement" has beocme an everyday term we hear used in the business world to define that connection between a business, its customers and its employees. What we find interesting is the student definition of engagment above is the one that most closely reflects the relationships businesses are driven to achieve.


    Why Has Engagement Become So Important?

    At Quest we like to think of engagement as the emotional involvement or commmitment combined with the meshing of parts. Together this creates a deep sense of connection among people. This "belongingness" is a basic need that has been around since the beginning of time.

    It wasn't so long ago that we looked foreard to seeing the familiar mail truck in our neighborhood. We anticipated the letter that would surely arrive that day from a distant friend or family members.

    Fast forward to right now. Your virtual mail truck is working non-stop to fill your inbox. Your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, social media channels of the moment are on auto-feed. Never before have we been so connected in so many ways to so many people.

    But are we engaged?

    At Quest Technology Group we believe that real-time meaningful engagement is possible in compelling new ways. Engaged customers, clients, employees and business partners build a powerful sense of community. Coming together for a common purpose, engaged communities have the resouces to fuel innovation, to develop distruptive products and services. Engaged communities can produce meaningful works that quickly reach and grow an ever-expanding market.


    How Do We Create Engagement?

    The key to implementing the winning strategy --- Engagement + Technology = Growth -- begins with developing clear answers to why.

  • Why do we do what we do?

  • Why do our customers do business with us?

  • Why this product?

  • Why this service?

  • Why right now?

  • Why this connection?

  • We can help you discover the whys. The answers to these questions often lie in the wealth of data you have collected over the years. We can organize, analyze and support your answers with relevant metrics Together we can successfully create, implement and manage the winning formula.

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    315 E. Robinson Street • Suite 525
    Orlando, FL 32801
    Phone: 407 . 843 . 6603


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