For Business Leaders Who Dread Dealing with Technology People

Free eBook: Adding a CIO to Your Leadership Team

The technologies, tools, and knowledge to help business leaders grow their tech savviness.

What Do Your Clients Really Want from Your Company?

('s more than just the products and services you deliver every day.)

Do any of these everyday challenges sound all too familiar?

Are they preventing you from discovering what your clients really want?

too little time
too many choices
too much information
not enough cash or customers
not as productive as you could be
fear of being left behind
continuous need to learn and stay competitive
putting out fires
not enough time to focus on the big vision
"I know what I need to do. I just don't know how."
lack of quiet thinking time

"I checked a few of these", you say.

We say, "Great! Let's put your technology to work for you."

  Let's Talk  

Let's Discover Your Business Technology Possibilities Together

Just Like These Great Companies Did



We Start With Where You Are Now

Technology is here to serve and support your business. It's not technology first.

Don't let IT folks force your business to work inside some predefined technology box because they think it's a cool tool. That's not how your business goals are met. The right road to success puts business strategy firmly in control of technology decisions.

With more than 40 years traveling the business-meets-technology landscape, we've created simple, repeatable systems for every step of your business.

Where are you now?

Where are you going?

What is the most effective, practical way to get there?

It's that simple.

And Then Together We Connect the Right People, Actionable Steps, and Practical Technologies

The Right Fractional CIO For Every Company

CIOs aren't just for big companies anymore.

Technology is solidly woven into the foundation of every company today. From startups to established organizations, a CIO plays a key role in ensuring responsible, focused growth every step of the way.

Learn why every company, regardless of size, needs -- and can have -- a Chief Information Officer on their leadership team.

Cybersecurity Protection Designed For Your Company's Unique Needs Today

5 Things Tech Savvy Leaders Know About Cybersecurity

  •      Effective cybersecurity protection isn't a one-size-fits-all solution.
  •      Cybersecurity isn't a one-and-done project.
  •      Cybersecurity is a company-wide responsibility that starts with committed, watchful leadership.
  •      The right cybersecurity protection aligns informed implementation decisions with the company's unique business goals and strategies.
  •      The threat landscape is continually changing, bad actors are more creative, no company is exempt for potential attacks. That means every company's cybersecurity measures need to be nimble and adaptable too.

  • Traditional MSPs only provide reactive remote monitoring for servers and desktops inside your physical location. Combined with a firewall and backup solution they package this as IT support.

    To stay competitive they might add some third-party security monitoring tools and tell you they're taking care of all your cybersecurity needs. That's not enough. That's risky. Today's companies need more than a few one-size-fits-all tools.

    Uncover Unexpected Opportunities

    Creating and delivering the products and services your customer really want starts with learning. There is so much waiting to be uncovered in the valuable data you collect day after day.

    The companies that are thriving in this informed customer environment have adopted an innovative customer-first mindset.

    You have a wealth of data and information that will provide strategic insights.

    More About Business Strategy

    We Think Sharing Knowledge with You is a Big Deal

    18 Questions to Start the Conversation with IT

    Our companies -- regardless of size, industry, clients -- have one important thing in common. Our day-to-day technology needs are very different than they were just a couple of years ago.

  • How do you know if your company has the cybersecurity you need?
  • What questions should you ask?
  • Are you assuming your IT provider is taking care of everything you need?

  • While you were going about the business of growing your company, the technology foundation you relied on became inadequate. You didn't realize this had happened.

    But how do you know what you need and where to start? This free eBook will help you start the dreaded -- but important -- conversation with your IT team.

     Our Partner Promise

    Quest Technology Group
    315 E. Robinson Street • Suite 525
    Orlando, FL 32801
    Phone: 407 . 843 . 6603


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