How to Give Your Technology Assets a Performance Review

Peter Drucker quote about obolete

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Employee performance reviews have been around for as long as we can all remember. If you’re like most of us, you dread both giving and receiving them. But that’s not where we’re going with this.

When is the last time you gave your valuable technology investments a performance review? Shouldn’t you expect the tools, applications, and devices to deliver their best work each day, just like you do with your employees?

If this sounds like a silly exercise, consider this for a minute.

You bought a piece of technology to solve a specific problem at the time. How did it do? What's changed since then? 

When you hire an employee, they're given a description of their daily activities and the expected results. A regular performance review is a check-in to see how well expectations on both sides are being met.

You wouldn’t hire an employee and then let them show up year after year without making sure they were delivering some measurable value to your organization. 

Your technology investments are no different.

A Simple Technology Performance Review Template

This doesn’t have to be as tedious and time-consuming as it sounds. We’ve created this easy to use template that will help you start.

Every organization is different so use this as a guide.

  • Make changes that are right for your organization. 
  • Keep it simple and useful. The purpose is to make the most of your investments.
  • Commit to regular reviews. Change happens.
  • Gather input from the people who use these tools day after day.
  • Use the results of each review in your strategic planning. It will help keep your technology aligned with your long-term priorities.
  • Give yourself permission to terminate underperforming or obsolete technology. It doesn’t mean the original decision was wrong. You’re simply recognizing that change is a natural part of your growth.

  • Grab your free copy of the fill in the blanks Technology Performance Review Template (Word or PDF).


    Technology Performance Review

    Asset Name:  ___________________________________________
    Length of Time in the Position: ____
    Reviewers: ____________________________________________
    Review Date: __/__/__
    Overall Rating: ____
    Next Review:  __/__/__

    How Did This Asset Perform

    1: Poor (consistently fails to meet expectations)
    2: Fair (frequently fails to meet expectations)
    3: Good (usually meets expectations)
    4: Very Good (frequently exceeds expectations)
    5: Excellent (consistently exceeds expectations)

    1) Collaboration: how well does this integrate with the other technologies we are using

    (Circle one)     1 2 3 4 5 

    2) Problem-solving: how well does it understand the information we are giving it  

    (Circle one)     1 2 3 4 5 

    3) Cooperation: how easy to use is this for everyone that relies on it

    (Circle one)     1 2 3 4 5 

    4) Contribution to the objectives: how well does it deliver the results we need to meet our long-term goals

    (Circle one)     1 2 3 4 5 

    5) Potential for growth: how well does it contribute to identifying new opportunities

    (Circle one)     1 2 3 4 5 

    6) Likelihood of continued use: considering our current and upcoming needs, how likely is this to deliver the value we need

    (Circle one)     1 2 3 4 5 

    Overall Rating: (Sum/6) _____

    Technology Problem-Solving Discussion Questions

    Potential replacement: what other tools have we identified that might be a better fit for us in the future


    Perspective: looking back objectively, what have we learned from this buying decision


    Improvement: how could this tool be used differently or more effectively


    Grab your free copy of the fill in the blanks Technology Performance Review Template (Word or PDF). Make it your own.

    Linda Rolf is a lifelong curious learner who believes a knowledge-first approach builds valuable client relationships.

    She is fueled by discovering the unexpected connections among technology, data, information, people and process. For more than four decades, Linda and Quest Technology Group have been their clients' trusted advisor and strategic partner.

    Tags: Technology Strategy

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