How to Generate More Sales Using Email Workflows: Free Template

Einstein quote become a person of value

You use email. Your clients use email. Your desired business relationships use email.

And yet coaxing email to do more than the transactional open-read-maybe act-delete cycle can feel complicated. The reality is email is a powerful relationship-building tool that everyone already uses every day.

With some thoughtful planning and the right tools, you can implement an email series that your clients will appreciate. 

Rethink the transactional cycle.

What is an Email Marketing Campaign Workflow?

Imagine you have a new service that you are excited to introduce. You know it's exactly what your customers need. You send a here’s our new offer email with a buy now link and wait for the sales to roll in. And what happens? Nothing.

Why? Your customers weren’t prepared for your offer – even if they could benefit from it right now.

Instead, you need to help them gradually discover your solution to their problem, the problem they might not yet know they have.

Action Item #1

Take a minute and think about a simple transactional email you recently sent to a client. You had a specific purpose in mind, and your expected result was clear. Now consider what you did next depending on your client’s response – or lack of. 

This is the same step-by-step thinking you’ll use to create a gradual problem-solution email series.

A well-designed email series that delivers value for both you and your intended audience needs a plan, a roadmap.

The simple fact is drawing the decision roadmap isn’t easy. That's why we’ve created this easy to follow email flowchart template to organize your what’s next thinking.

email workflow template

Action Item #2

Grab your copy now and take a few minutes to review it.

Identify one specific offering your clients need.

Then start by answering these questions --  

  What is your reader's one takeaway from each email? 

  What clearly defined problem are your solving for them? 

   What do you want them to do next?

Only after you’ve answered questions like these should you create even your first email. Each email touch in the flow needs to be clear, specific, actionable, and move your reader to the final outcome.

A Few Tips to Get Started

  In each Next Action? box you will describe what you want the reader to do next. Each action should be clear and specific, leading your reader to the final outcome. 

  The last box in the flow is Nurture. This means you will continue to build and sustain the relationship that brought your customer to the desired outcome box.

  The outcome isn’t the end of the road. It’s simply the beginning of the next trip.

  Go back to the top to plan your next series.

  A quick note. If you’re relying on social media to build your audience, the same questions apply. Post with a purpose that benefits your audience. Notice-me noise is not a strategy that will serve anyone.

Action Item #3

This email is just a quick introduction to kickstart your creativity.

We’ve written the free How to Implement Successful Email Marketing Campaigns guide for you. This fill-in-the-blanks workbook-style guide walks you through the detailed steps you need to implement your next successful email series. 

email marketing campaign how to guide and workbook

Tip •  Most email marketing platforms provide the tools you need to implement your what’s next actions.

We use Mailchimp to manage our email lists, design, build, and send each email, and support our custom workflows. Regardless of where you are in your email roadmap, we can help you pick the right tools to meet your specific needs. 

How We Can Help You Create and Implement Your Next Email Marketing Campaign

If you would like to start an email series or add to your existing sales and marketing activities, we’re here to help you. Whether you want to do it all yourself, need an extra hand, or just want to have a conversation, call or email when you’re ready to begin.

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Free Email Marketing Campaign How-To Guide and Workbook

email marketing campaign how to guide and workbook

Tags: Content Strategy

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Linda Rolf is a lifelong curious learner who believes a knowledge-first approach builds valuable client relationships. She is fueled by discovering the unexpected connections among technology, data, information, people and process. For more than four decades, Linda and Quest Technology Group have been their clients' trusted advisor and strategic partner.

Linda believes that lasting value and trust are created through continuously listening, sharing knowledge freely, and delivering more than their clients even know they need. As the CIO of their first startup client said, "The value that Quest brings to Cotton States is far greater than the software they develop."

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